Saturday, November 29, 2008

Where we go from here

Where do we go from here? Is Sending Postcards enough? Were the City Hall demonstrations enough. Are we to focused on appealing to our New President elect and not focused on our State Governor’s? We have to find an effective balance to bring change both locally and nationally. I believe we need more City Hall across America protest like the ones we had October 16th I think, Postcards across America is an excellent idea. We need to show the human side. The religious wrong, spent there time dehumanizing us. There are many different things we can do to be heard. The most important of these things is unity. We need to stick together and do it in mass, volume. those in states that have the right to marry must continue to be a part of the greater battle and must be just as vigilant as those in states that do not have the right to marry until all 50 states recognize marriage as a civil right and all 50 states recognize each and every marriage whether they are lgbt or straight. Anything less is just that less and again we become second-class citizens, marginalized. This battle will not be won over night it will I believe be won state by state and, as each stated recognizes our civil right (not grants us but recognizes that right) we must continue to stay united; we must continue to protest in each state for the states that do not have this civil right recognized. When we make our noise let it be a chorus, a Sea of Protest, that creates the deafening sound of a tsunami and Let that tsunami hit the white house let it flood the oval office let it not be ignored
The time is here, how effectively we use it is up to us. We must use all of our resources. Joining and being a part of Networks like PSC Networking at and JoinTheImpact at as well as other sights is important right now This is the New Stonewall. This will go down in the history books. The stand we take today can change a great deal. Our community and its supports must see this as a call to action. We at PSC Networking will use whatever resources we have to get our community involved and keep our community involved, posted and, updated with the latest and most current information we can and will continue to do so. We will work in conjunction with sites such as JoinTheImpact . but, it is up to you to participate by being a part of and joining sites such as PSC Networking and JoinTheImpact . You drive these sites, you make the difference. at PSC Networking and JoinTheImpact you can post events and information that will help us to answer that call to action.

Russ Bertlow,